Empfehlen und Verdienen

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Helfen Sie uns, ein Lächeln zu verbreiten

Sign Up

Enter your email to retrieve your referral link, or create a new account to register for special offers and updates.


By simply sharing the custom-made link with anyone family, friends, followers or complete strangers you can begin to earn rewards.


Your referral link’s activity will be saved for two months, and any rewards will be recompensed into your account shortly.


£100 plus for each referred patient*. For higher earnings and premium affiliate partnerships, please contact us.

  • To earn £100, the referred patient must receive treatment worth at least £2,000 from Antlara.
  • If the referral treatment fees reach £5,000 or more, your earnings will be reevaluated by our management team.
  • Our referral program commenced on 01.02.2024. Therefore, this program does not apply to patients referred before this date.
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